If you have been diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy you may qualify for a clinical research study
• IgA Nephropathy is a disease that affects the kidneys. In people with a type of IgA Nephropathy, a type of protein called IgA collects in the kidneys, causing inflammation and damage.
• The exact cause of IgA Nephropathy is not known, but it is believed to be caused by an abnormal response of the immune system.
About the Clinical Research Study
Study participants who qualify will receive at NO COST:
• Outpatient study-related care that may include a kidney biopsy if one has not already been performed.
• Compensation for study-related time and reimbursement for travel.
If you are interested in taking part in this study, we are searching for people who:
• Are 18 years of age or older.
• Are diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy by their doctor.
*There are other criteria that you will need to meet to qualify, which the study team will discuss with you.
Interested in participating in a study? Fill out the form below or call 208-984-2273 to get started.